Takako Kitahara Sexy

Birthday: 1985/12/6
Blood Type: O
Height: 163cm
Body Measurements:B:90cm(F).W:60cm,H:90cm
HomeTown: Kanagawa
Hobby:Reading, Volleyball

Miwa Oshiro

Oshiro Miwa (大城 美和, born August 26, 1983) is a Japanese gravure idol, model and actress.

Mai Nishida

Name: Mai Nishida (西田麻衣)
Born: 23 March 1989
Age: 20 years old
Hometown: Kizu, Kyoto, Japan
Blood type: O
Nominal size (as of 2009)
Height / Weight: 158 cm / - kg
Three sizes: 89 - 58 - 81 cm
Bra size: G
Shoe size: 23.5 cm
Debut 2006
Genre Gravure
General content model, swimsuit
Other activities of the entertainer, actress

Olivia-so dangerous